New! Flexbox and Stat Components

We're excited to share two new components: Flexbox and Stat! These components allow you to create more dynamic, complex, and informative internal apps.


The Flexbox component makes it easy to create layouts and align/distribute child components.

You can specify the direction of the Flexbox layout.
You can set horizontal alignment.
You can set vertical alignment.
You can also set padding.

In addition, by applying visibility rules to child components within a Flexbox, you can create dynamic layouts that change based on conditions. Here’s a quick example:


With the Stat component, you can display key stats in your internal apps. These stats can be powered by Functions or you can bind to values within your app as well.  Additionally, you can apply conditional styling to alert users when a number is lower than expected, or the goals you’ve set for your organization have been met.






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