
Configuring Automations

General Settings

Help your users understand the purpose of your Automation by giving it a name, description, and icon. This information will be available in the Automations dashboard.


In this section, you will set the schedule that dictates when the automation will run. Select a time unit and frequency to get started.






Next, you’ll select the time at which the automation should run. You’ll select the time in your local time, and it will be saved in UTC. Note that this is only relevant if you’ve chosen days, weeks or months.

Optionally, you can set a start and end time for your automation. If you do not specify a start and end time, the automation will be paused. You can activate it from the Automations dashboard or specify a start and end date at a later time. .  

Actions and Environments

This section allows you to define what happens when your automation runs. To get started, you’ll select a data source and a function.

Since an Automation runs automatically without user input, all parameters must be configured. Click “configure” to get started.

First, enable the fields that you want to include as part of the function execution. Required fields are always enabled.

Then, select a value type and configure it. 


Select this option if you want to manually enter a value. 

Data binding

Select this option to bind to system variables such as environment and user.


Select this option to create a template (this option support Javascript Template Literals).

Null value

Select this option if you want the value to be null.

Lastly, select one or more environments in which this automation should run. Depending on the use case, you may want to run an automation in Staging only, Production, in another environment, or all environments.