
Managing and Sharing Spaces

After creating a Space, managing and sharing that Space amongst your colleagues needs to be fast and simple. Internal provides that capability.

Managing and Administrating a Space

From your Dashboard, click on the Space that you would like to manage. Once you have done so, you'll notice a navigation panel on the righthand side of your browser. This is the location from which you will have access to administer and manage your Spaces. Below is a list of the icons and their functions from left-to-right.

Settings (Cog)

  • Name: The Name of the Space
  • Icon: A dropdown selector of hundreds of icons to show in the Dashboard card for your Space
  • Color: Color-picker for the icon
  • Description: A 1000-character-limited description which shows in the Dashboard card for your Space
  • Cancel Button: Cancels changes made to the settings
  • Done Button: Submits changes made to the settings

Favorites (Heart)

When the icon is hollow, clicking will add that Space to your "Favorites" tab.

A filled-in heart indicates that a Space is already a favorite. Clicking again will remove it from your "Favorites" tab.

Copy Link (Paperclip)

Clicking this icon will copy a link for the Space to your computer's clipboard

Clone Space (Paper Icon)

Clicking this icon will copy the Space including all of its configurations and components and place it in the "Drafts" tab of your Dashboard. The button will also automatically navigate you to the "Drafts" tab and select it so that the configuration panel shows on the right.

Delete Space (Trash Can Icon)

Clicking this icon will delete the Space after accepting a prompt from a modal asking "Are you sure?"

Open Space (Button)

Opens the Space in the same browser window.

Edit Space (Button)

Opens the Space editor for the selected card in the same browser window.

Sharing and Function Permissions

From the Dashboard, you can manage sharing and permissions for each Space.

Share with Role

This setting determines if users that belong to the role see the Space on their dashboard.  

Function Permissions

Clicking on Function Permissions allows you to see all the Functions that are used in the Space and assign granular permissions to each role. 

  • Environment dropdown: By using this dropdown, you can switch to view a list of Functions used in the version of a Space published to a given environment.
  • Parameters and attributes: Grant permissions to all parameters and attributes of a function or partially give access. Note that if you grant partial permissions, you must grant permissions to all required fields.
  • Auto-grant all: By enabling Auto-grant all for a Function, a role will automatically have access to current and future parameters and attributes that are added to the function.

Example: you can give the Comment Censor Intern role access to the Planning tool with limited access (no ability to delete and limited ability to update records).

Version History

It is possible to view the version history of a given Space from within the edit mode of that Space. This document outlines how to do so.